The Global Viewer simplifies the navigation through global nodes nodes for InterSystems Caché and IRIS. With that tool you can analyse the internal data structure of Intersystems Caché \ IRIS

Globals are the underlying storage structure for the InterSystems IRIS® data platform. One of the hallmarks of the InterSystems IRIS data platform is its ability to store data once and allow you to access it using multiple paradigms. While it is not necessary to work directly with globals, it can be very useful to understand how InterSystems IRIS uses them and to see the advantages they provide.

Caché’s multidimensional arrays are called globals. Data can be stored in a global with any number of subscripts. What’s more, subscripts are typeless and can hold any sort of data. One subscript might be an integer, such as 34, while another could be a meaningful name, like “LineItems” – even at the same subscript level.
For example, a stock inventory application that provides information about item, size, color, and pattern might have a structure like this:
^Stock(item,size,color,pattern) = quantity
Here’s some sample data:
^Stock(“slip dress”,4,”blue”,”floral”) = 3